UPVC Advantage

Why uPVC Is beneficial for everyone 

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uPVC advantages

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) also known as rigid PVC, is one of the most versatile and sustainable materials used in the construction industry. Polyvinyl chloride or PVC has evolved over the years to become more efficient, durable and affordable. Since it is unplasticized, uPVC is more rigid and has efficient insulation properties.

If you want effective insulation, long-lasting built, and aesthetic appeal, uPVC windows should be among your top picks. So, for your benefit, listed below are the various advantages that come with uPVC windows.

The high-grade flexibility makes uPVC an ideal choice for windows and doors used in commercial and residential purposes. Also, unlike wood and aluminum, uPVC retains its shape in all weather conditions and stays unhindered in case of any physical impact.

Let’s first understand the
Problem with other materials:

Wooden Windows

Wooden frames may be a popular choice but they require proper care for longevity and durability.
• With deforestation being an alarming issue, wooden windows and doors pose a threat to the environment.
• The material will demand additional maintenance time to time.
• Wood is an organic and porous material, which means that it can quickly become susceptible to the elements.
• Wood doors and windows are costly the uPVC frames.
• Termite infestation: Wood windows are subject to rot or insect infestation if not properly maintained.
• Wooden windows are prone to warping that often occurs from moisture and sunlight.
• It can catch fire as well as pose dangers to your property.
• Wood shrinks and expands radically in response to humidity changes.
• Wood is susceptible to damage or leaks.
• There is a huge problem in waterproofing wooden windows.


Aluminum Windows

Aluminum windows and doors are very light which makes them less desirable for ensuring security of your home from intruders.
• Poor insulator: Aluminum doesn’t hold in heat as well as other materials.
• Condensation: Moisture or even frost can form inside aluminum-frame windows, leading to problems.
• It requires regular maintenance due to anodization.
• Aluminum frames may be water resistant, but they can suffer corrosion from salt water and sea air, if you live near coastal area.
• It is not energy efficient.
• Due to lack of strength, aluminum cannot support very tall windows and doors.
• Aluminum’s insulation properties are dependent on the glazing selected.

Steel Windows

Steel windows and doors, although don’t require much maintenance but are very expensive and not suitable for all climatic conditions.
• Steel window frames are expensive and difficult to install when compared to other materials.
• Steel window frames are not very energy efficient.
• Denting and Rusting – While steel doors cannot warp they can be dented if hit by something, and if the paint on the door gets chipped off at the dent then rusting can develop with the metal being exposed to the moisture in the air.
• If you live in a coastal climate, steel windows and doors aren’t the best choice

PVC Windows

PVC, short for polyvinyl chloride, is a plastic, commonly used in construction. Due to its toxic nature, it is not ideal for home use.
• PVC windows are not very durable or an ideal choice as a building material.
• Plastic doors are not suitable for entry doors as they are very of light weight .
• They are not weather proof like wooden or metal doors.
• PVC windows pose a threat to the health of the residents.
• PVC is not fire resistant.
• Europe has banned 3 chemicals used in making PVC windows.
• PVC leads to the release of dangerous quantities of dioxin and other carcinogens.

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What makes uPVC the best choice?

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Great Look We may often overload but if we take a good notice, we can observe the widespread use of uPVC frames among modern residential or commercial properties. Any building’s aesthetic appeal can be enhanced by using this material which provides great look & beauty. uPVC profile casings can come in any shading mutual to the building.

Our team has a diverse background in both commercial and residential design and we offer a unique combination of value, personal attention, and tailored services to all our clients. Our experience in successfully aligning clients requirements with their values to bring out a successful design solution for challenging work ranging from religious facilities, medical and dental offices, retail, sound studios and of course luxury homes. We foster a creative cooperation with your architect, builder and interior designer and work on joint solutions for a consistent approach that matches the clients requirements and considers specifiers recommendations. Thin and economical aluminium frames that are inevitably drafty and offer poor insulation can make even a good quality home seem cheaply built. We believe that our clients are intelligent people with discerning taste who can resist temptation of cheap imitations.

Very durable

uPVC products are very durable and since they require very low maintenance, they look as good as new for decades. Lifespan of uPVC doors and windows is over 20+ years, therefore, leave a very low impact on the environment. It is long lasting material.


Fire resistance

The raw materials of uPVC profiles include other ingredients such as calcium powder, which have a good flame retardant effect.

Noise reduction

Noise pollution is often overlooked as a hazard to health, yet numerous studies have linked prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can be detrimental to your hearing, but also can increase stress and blood pressure, cause gastric problems as well as headaches, migraines and anxiety or depression.
The double-seal system used in uPVC windows and doors combined with insulating glass reduces noise by 40-50 dB.

Heavy wind resistant

uPVC windows and doors are perfect for seaside locations and can be of great use in high-rise buildings. The windows maintain their strength through fully reinforced galvanized steel inner frames.

Electricity insulation
uPVC Windows and doors profile has high electricity insulation.

Energy saving

Energy saving Insulated Glass Units can be up to 3 times more effective than normal glass at maintaining cool temperatures within a building.

Termite free
Unlike wooden windows and doors, uPVC profiles remain free from termite infestation in all climates.

High performance

Bharti uPVC door systems are customized to fit individual specifications. The excellent thermal insulation properties help maintain an optimal indoor temperature throughout the year. The uPVC doors bear high tensile strength and are resistant to dust and corrosion making your doors virtually maintenance free.

Highly secure

Multi-point high-security lock and fittings make uPVC products very strong and secure for residential and commercial use. All locks and fittings are screwed into the steel core of the uPVC window and door frames.



uPVC is self-extinguishing – it will not allow the fire to spread due to fire retardant used in the mix. Profiles are manufactured to DIN standards.

Pollution resistant

Environment-friendly and 100% lead-free uPVC profiles by Bharti Enterprises meet the greenline norms of European countries.

Very low maintenance

uPVC doors and windows require very low maintenance.
• No painting work.
• No Solutions/ liquids required for applying to window and doors for Insect-Free.
• No Maintenance.
UPVC is the ideal frame material due to its inherent qualities of resistance to corrosion, fire, water, and sunlight. Apart from the most obvious applications in coastal areas where salt destroys the appearance and function of Aluminium windows, while wooden windows must be specially treated with chemicals or paint, uPVC frames have also been used in commercial and industrial applications and in areas of high pollution or for high impact winds.


100% lead-free and recyclable.
The non-lead stabilizers make the profile safe for children (uPVC products even have medical applications in neonatal care), save energy and carbon emissions by being thermally efficient; do not contribute to deforestation or alumina smelter pollution.

High Weather Resistance

Bharti Windows Profile Systems are specially developed keeping in mind the harsh weather prevalent in India. Long exposures to sun, rain, wind & moisture cannot affect the window quality or durability.
Strom Resistance
No more rattling, shaking for clattering.

24*7 Dedicated Support

Problem Solving Skills

Affordable Cost With Quality

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