Experience that matters

UPVC Windows

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The customary comfort in our new range of Bharti Enterprises allows the panels to slide in both directions.

· Our new range of Bharti Enterprises comes with a unique profile that not only saves space but is suitable for all types of rooms and installations.

· It surprises with its flamboyant architectural creation which extends your vision to experience beautiful surroundings around you.

· Bharti Enterprises’ sliding windows comprises 2 tracks, 2.5 track, and 3 track,4 track and mono track windows with grill and mesh options.

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Maximum possible ventilation while maintaining high noise reduction

· We produce in any size and design according to the requirements of clients.

· Suitable for residential installations, such as bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms, where they provide great flexibility with the possibility of ventilation.

· Casement windows are available with grill and mesh options.

· Windows, opening on the wall of a building for the admission of light and air; windows are often arranged also for the purpose of architectural decoration. Bharti Enterprises 60 range casement windows are available in both Outward and Inward opening styles side hung applications with single point and multi-point locking options.


Our Sliding Folding Windows in windows is architectural marvels as it saves more space than traditional windows.

· Our space-saving windows allow you to draw a line between inside and outside. Its well-conceived intricate patterns, slim panels clubbed with magnified glass area offer crystal clear views of the outwindows.

· Slide and Fold offer generous and barrier free access to terraces, conservatories, conference rooms, wherever needed. This new- generation door, designed for large openings, joins multiple sashes in a unique slide and fold mechanism.

· Our uniquely designed Sliding Folding Windows in windows and windows are energy efficient. It works prolifically as a good insulator to keep your home warm during winters and cool during summers.

· It is user-friendly in nature and can be effortlessly removed, as per the needs and requirements of the customer

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Ideal for advanced locking and security windows along with a robust frame.

· Multi-chambered to diminish heat loss and improve thermal performance.

· Double/triple glazing assures excellent energy performance.

· Arch windows are designed semi-round.

You will get a unique atmosphere from classic rectangular windows and walls with our arched windows, which create a unique and contrasting impression.

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Bharti Enterprises elegantly designed bay window windows is a collection of three or more windows in an angular formation.

· This technically refined window converts regular house corners into spaces for relaxation.

The well-crafted angular formation given to this window is specifically designed to provide extreme comfort in all weather conditions.

Fixed Windows:

A fixed window does not open, still gives you a bright view of the outside world.

· Bharti Enterprises window provides you various design options in that also. Fixed windows are recommended where light or vision or insulation is alone.

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Windows of our Villa Windows have traditional grill and mesh options, equipped with dual seals and multi-chambered designs to prevent noise infiltration.

· Our energy-efficient Villa Windows provides an exclusive amalgamation of technique, traditionalism, and protection.

· Our scientifically crafted uPVC villa windows provide insulation from rain, dust, and pollution.

· It has cost-effective maintenance.

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Top Hung Windows/ Ventilators:

A top hung window is also known as awning window which is used for ventilation purpose.

· Bharti Enterprises Top hung windows gives you an attractive look and proper ventilation to your buildings.


Our splendid lift and slide windows provide exquisite panoramic views with divider fewer glass panes.

· It offers enhanced security with superior insulation.

· Bharti Enterprises offers advanced lift and slide technology that appreciably connects inside with outside through sliding panels with the provision of heavy-duty hardware that prevents stoppage of slider panel midway.


Our perfectly designed tilt and turn windows form a perfect combination between the hinge and casement windows. You have the option to tilt it slightly or open the window for maximum ventilation.

· Tilt and turn windows can be opened fully like a casement window (inwards) or they can be tilted from the bottom so that the top of the window is angled into the room, giving a smaller opening for ventilation. The tilted opening also has the added benefit of increased security and safety as no one can fit through the gap.

· Tilt and turn windows are popular choice due to their excellent weather proofing and security features.


· Poly-fleece edges protect your house from dust, rain, sweep drafts and prevent unpleasant sharp sun.

· The combined handle allows for comfortable and compact operation.

· A centuries-old classic and secure touch protects which looks great.

· Extensive customization options prove best solution to ventilate bathrooms and small rooms.

Roll up Insect Screen

It is an absolutely the most popular solution for windows when it comes to screening flies.


Sliding Screens

Sliding-insect screens available with a choice of different models depending upon the specific


Chain Insect Screen

The most innovative, popular, unique and hassle-free mechanism specifically designed for large


Pleated Screens

The bottom track of the screen are shaped like caterpillar and they are retracted into sliding bar along


UPVC Windows

Pvc is a multi-purpose material and finds its application virtually everywhere, e.g. Shoes, Clothes


Casement Window

Casement windows are hinged at the sides and can be build for inside or outside opening

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